Thursday, 25 June 2015


This artwork had great shading and the tools used was used in great use. Her work was great but had me think of our past experiments, that it is not that good yet.

Research & Application

I had found a time lapse drawing on a white board which had the artist shading in her drawings. We had applied this on our final project and other experiments that we had done.

Final Work

Monday, 22 June 2015

Research #3

Made me want to try and experiment with chalk and black paper.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Research #2

This video clip was a big help to what we are trying to do by drawing in the background.

Research #1

I did some research on time lapse. I found these fast but a bit slower than other time lapse videos I have seen. I may apply these techniques on to my final project. 

Monday, 15 June 2015

Experiment #1 #2 #3

I think we could get darker white board markers. Finally shading in my work seem to have given it more contrast to the character. I will be sure to use it next time on our final experiment.



Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Task 1: Surface Research

What do you see? A man walking, Cars, Animations, Side walk, effects.

What is the idea that the artist is communicating? The idea the artist is trying to communicate is that it is not who he is or where he comes from that makes him. It is his ideas that make him who he is. What he likes and dislike and so on.

What is working? The animation, the effects used in the clip and the message he is trying to get across.

What is not working? The video quality is not so great.

What would you do differently? Use a better quality camera.

Class Task - Experiment

Task 6: High/Low Key

High Key

Low Key